Writing this book has been a remarkable journey, and I have a number of
people to thank for the role they played in it. First and foremost, my editor,
Maxine Taylor, has been a consistent source of support and guidance as we
navigated this project together. I also thank the production team at ABC-
CLIO for all of their fine work on this book and for the many hours I know
they have spent in creating this volume in The Psychology of Everyday
Life series.
Six essayists gave me their best thoughts about various aspects of
conflict, and while they are all named within the book, I want to call
your attention to them again here. Mike Bassow, adjunct professor of
communications at Central New Mexico Community College, and
Juliana Birkoff, PhD, at the Center for Collaborative Policy at
California State University in Sacramento, tackled the tough question
of how men and women approach conflict in different ways. Prabha
Sankaranarayan, president and chief executive officer of Mediators
Beyond Borders International (MBBI), and her colleague and MBBI
board member, ethicist Rose-Anne Moore, looked carefully at the
issues mediators must address in countries in crisis; Sandra Marker of
the Conflict Information Consortium at the University of Colorado
provided a counterpoint. I am indebted as well to Heidi Burgess at the
Conflict Information Consortium, who coordinated the use of Ms.
Marker’s essay.
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