Introduction , ix
Section I
Daniel Decatur Emmett’s “(I Wish I Was In) Dixie’s Land” (1859) 3
South Carolina Ordinance of Secession (1860)
Jeff erson Davis’s Inaugural Address (1861)
Peace Convention Resolutions (1861) 11
Th e Proposed Corwin Amendment (1861) 14
Abraham Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address (1861) 15
Constitution of the Confederate States (1861) 23
Alexander H. Stevens’s “Corner Stone” Speech (1861) 39
Th e First Confi scation Act (1861) 41
John C. Fremont’s Order Freeing Slaves of Missouri Rebels (1861) 44
Julia Ward Howe’s “Th e Battle Hymn of the Republic” (1862) 47
An Act for the Release of Certain Persons Held to Service or Labor in the
District of Columbia (1862) 49
Th e Homestead Act (1862) 53
Th e Pacifi c Railway Act (1862) 57
Th e Morrill Act (1862) 63
Th e Second Confi scation Act (1862) 67
Horace Greeley’s “Th e Prayer of Twenty Millions” (1862) 72
Abraham Lincoln’s Response to Greeley (1862) 77
Abraham Lincoln’s Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation (1862) 79
Abraham Lincoln’s Proclamation Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus (1862) 83
Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation (1863) 85
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