6 Sex and Gender
pair is called the sex chromosome , or allosome . Th e presence of
the Y chromosome is generally taken as an indication that a
person is a male. Th e absence of the Y chromosome is an in-
dication that the person is a female. (For a brief review of this
topic, see “Human Heredity” 2016.)
Sex, thus, is a biological phenomenon. It is determined by
a person’s genetic makeup and by well-defi ned anatomical fea-
tures of a human or other organism. Sex is not a learned char-
acteristic. No one has to teach a female how to be a member
of the female sex; that “label” comes as naturally as does the
ability to speak or to learn.
By contrast, gender identity is a social and/or psychological
concept. A person who carries a Y chromosome and male ana-
tomical structures may think of himself as a female. Th at is, he
may choose to use words, gestures, clothing, and other charac-
teristics that are more commonly associated with females than
they are with males. Conversely, an individual with a vagina,
ovaries, and other female genitalia may think and want to act
as a male. Individuals whose sexual self-image is diff erent from
their biological sex are said to be transgender . (In order to bal-
ance defi nitions, many transgender individuals refer to men
and women whose sex and gender identity are congruent as
cisgender individuals.)
Th e cause of transgenderism is not known, although a num-
ber of possible causes have been suggested. Some experts believe
that changes may occur to a fetus that result in an imbalance
between one’s genetic makeup (XX or XY chromosome) and
one’s genital structures. Another possibility is that chemical
changes occur from internal or external causes that lead to
a disjunction between the sexual characteristics one is born
with and those that seem natural to the brain. Any number
of cultural and psychological factors may also be involved in
the development of a transgender identity. For example, some
cultures recognize as normal and natural not just two genders,
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