At this point, everyone knows that climate change is a concern. Global temperatures are rising. Global carbon dioxide levels are rising. Global sea levels are rising. Scientists debate the details, but the consensus is real: the climate is changing and it is changing because of human actions. The question is, what to do about it? How can one individual live sus- tainably and conserve and preserve the world’s natural resources? Govern- ments and businesses, motivated by varying combinations of public and financial interest, argue about this issue. Climate change, in particular, has been made a political football. It can be hard to discuss it in a rational manner because people are so emotionally invested in the issue. But the impact of human activities on the environment is actually measurable, and there are facts to apply to the matter. Green living may appear to be a matter of lifestyle and politics, but the state of the environment is also one of the biggest health issues facing humans today. Increasing global temperatures have real effects on human health. People are literally dying at this very moment from air pollution in their cities. If you are concerned about health, you should think about how you live. The objective of this book is to help clarify some of the key issues and give readers some ways to think about how they live. It does not begin to Introduction
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