List of Entries vii
Preface xi
Acknowledgements xiii
Introduction xv
The Encyclopedia 1
Appendix: Opposing Viewpoints
Question 1: Psy­chol­ogy with a Scalpel: Does Cosmetic Surgery
Boost Self-­Esteem? 351
Response 1: Psy­chol­ogy with a Scalpel: Yes, Cosmetic Surgery
Boosts Self-­Esteem 352
Response 2: Cosmetic Surgery: Boon or Bane? 354
Question 2: Is Beauty a Biological Imperative or a Cultural Preference? 357
Response 1: What Could You Expect from a Nation that Has
Won a Total of 22 International Beauty Pageants? 358
Response 2: On the Irrelevance of Ge­ne­tics 360
Question 3: The Rise of the Transgendered Beauty Pageant:
Is Biology a Fixed Category? 363
Response 1: Transgender Beauty Pageants: An Imperfect Solution 364
Response 2: Transgender Pageants: An Occasion for Cele­bration 366
Question 4: If Beauty Is Only Skin Deep, Why Is It So Impor­tant? 369
Response 1: Beauty and the Law 370
Response 2: Language Is Skin Deep—­ A Glance at Meta­phorical Beauty 371
Question 5: How is Men’s Beauty Increasingly Commodified? 374
Response 1: Men’s Beauty 375
Response 2: Subtle Play by Mr. Gray 377
Selected Bibliography 381
About the Authors and Contributors 387
Index 389
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