General Introduction | xxi for example, is rated as low for human traffi cking because it complies with the TVPA anti-traffi cking act however, we know that it is a major destination coun- try for traffi cked humans. The classifi cations are as follows: Low Amount of Traffi cking (Tier 1): Countries that fully comply with the U.S. Department of State standards for anti-traffi cking enforcement. Medium Amount of Traffi cking (Tier 2): Countries that do not fully com- ply with the minimum standards but are making signifi cant eff orts to bring themselves into compliance. Medium Amount of Traffi cking (Watch List): Countries on Tier 2 requiring special scrutiny because of a high or signifi cantly increasing number of vic- tims, failure to provide evidence of increasing eff orts to combat traffi cking in persons, or an assessment as Medium based on commitments to take ac- tion over the next year. High Amount of Traffi cking (Tier 3): Countries that neither satisfy the mini- mum standards nor demonstrate a signifi cant eff ort to come into compli- ance. Countries in this tier are subject to potential non-humanitarian and non-trade sanctions. Prison The prison rate assessments are derived from the International Center for Prison Studies, King’s College, London, and found at research/icps. The rates are of prisoners per 100,000 population, and countries are ranked from high to low and divided into High, Medium, and Low using the quartile method described previously. These were the most up-to-date and thor- ough statistics available as of 2008. The world distribution of prison rates is de- picted in Map 2: Imprisonment around the World. Death Penalty About 65 percent of countries have abolished the death penalty either by legisla- tion or in practice. A few have essentially abolished it while retaining it for espe- cially heinous crimes, although it may not have been used for many years. These countries are classifi ed as “maybe” in our assessment of whether the death pen- alty is available to countries. Thus, the classifi cations for whether countries have the death penalty as an available punishment are “Yes,” “Maybe,” and “No.” The information has been taken from the Web site Info Please at, which in turn has taken its statistics from Am- nesty International. The world death penalty distribution may be seen in Map 3: Death Penalty around the World. Corporal Punishment The assessments as to whether countries have available to them the use of cor- poral punishment, either as a sentence for a crime or for use within the prison system for disciplinary purposes, is based on information provided by the Web site, which assesses
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