How to Use This Book
Throughout the course of history various events have forever changed the
world. Some, like the assassination of Julius Caesar, happened centuries ago
and took place quickly. Others, such as the rise of Christianity or the Enlight-
enment, occurred over an extended period of time and reshaped worldviews.
These pivotal events, or crossroads, were departures from the established so-
cial order and pointed to new directions and opportunities. The paths leading
to these crossroads in world history were often circuitous, and the routes
branching off from them led to developments both anticipated and unex-
pected. This series helps students understand the causes and consequences of
these historical turning points.
Each book in this series explores a particular crossroad in world history.
Some of these events are from the ancient world and continue to reverberate
today through our various political, cultural, and social institutions; others
are from the modern era and have markedly changed society through their
immediacy and the force of technology. While the books help students dis-
cover what happened, they also help readers understand the causes and effects
linked to each event.
Each volume in the series begins with a timeline charting the essential ele-
ments of the event in capsule form. An overview essay comes next, providing
a narrative history of what happened. This is followed by approximately fifty
alphabetically arranged reference entries on people, places, themes, move-
ments, and other topics central to an understanding of the historical cross-
road. These entries provide essential information about their topics and close
with cross-references and suggestions for further reading. A selection of ten to
fifteen primary source documents follows the reference entries. Each docu-
ment is accompanied by an introductory paragraph discussing the background
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