xv Preface The World of Ancient Greece: A Daily Life Encyclopedia opens to high school students, undergraduate students, and general readers the history, society, and cul- ture of the ancient Greeks, extending from the Bronze Age through the height of the Roman Empire, with an emphasis on developments in the Classical Age (c. 490–323 BCE) and the Hellenistic Era (323–30 BCE). In the midst of such broad coverage, it focuses readers’ attention on key aspects of the ancient Greek world, things that everyone who has studied the ancient Greeks ought to know. It is designed to give a confident foundation in the essentials, information that can be built upon through further inquiry. The Encyclopedia consists of over 230 easily accessible entries across two volumes. Entries are grouped thematically in the following ten categories: Arts Economics and Work Family and Gender Fashion and Appearance Food and Drink Housing and Community Politics and Warfare Recreation and Social Customs Religion and Beliefs Science and Technology Each category has its own introductory section for context. As for the entries them- selves, some illustrate important intellectual traditions (like “Second Sophistic Movement,” “History,” or “Philosophy, Aristotle”), political and military institu- tions (like “Assemblies,” “Leagues/Alliances,” or “Public Officials”), or locations typical within Greek communities (like “Cemeteries,” “Gymnasia/Palaestrae,” or “Theaters”). Other entries explain key aspects of personal life (like “Bathing/
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