Introduction Elizabeth Clemmons No cigars were passed out, but congratulations were proclaimed to the proud parents—all eight of them—and to their baby, the Soon to be Famous Illinois Author Project, when the first winner was announced on April 16, 2014. Con- ceived nine months earlier at a library conference and nurtured with collabo- ration and creativity, the project was not without some growing pains. Much like its human counterpart, it caused conflicting emotions for its parents, who alternated between excited anticipation and stressful apprehension about the possible outcome of this new creation. The Soon to be Famous Project was developed by library marketing pro- fessionals who liked the ideas of both supporting self-published authors and getting the message to traditional book publishers that libraries and librarians greatly influence readers’ choices. As marketers, Denise, Donna, Cris, Julie, Sue, Nikki, Anita, and Liz are used to multitasking, making decisions on the fly, communicating effectively to different types of audiences, brainstorming to come up with new ways to make ideas stick, and collaborating with many different people on the same project, not to mention rolling up their sleeves and digging in. The committee faced two issues that have discouraged other fledgling pro­ jects. At the outset, most of the STBF committee members did not know each other well. And the libraries at which they worked were scattered over a great distance in the Chicago area. These marketers made it happen and got to know each other well enough to laugh together—and laugh often! All eight brought many different talents to the table. Like many who work in public libraries, these marketers had had other previous careers like lawyer, teacher, journalist, and advertising executive. But despite their differences, all eight are passionate about libraries. They believe libraries are essential to our communities, providing opportunities for literacy, learning, and fun as well as supporting Soon to be Famous Authors!
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