xiv Introduction
remain at the forefront. We believe the chapters in these two volumes can
be useful to students, scholars, policy makers, practitioners, and research-
ers as they search for background information on a topic. The chapter ti-
tles are reasonably specific, but the subject index and especially the part
introductions will help readers narrow the chapters to those of particular
relevance to the information being sought. The reference section of each
chapter can also be useful in finding additional material on the key ideas
and concepts presented by the contributors. We hope these volumes will
become a primary source of information for scholars and professionals
working on transnational crime issues and the security implications of
that crime.
Philip Reichel and Ryan Randa
Albanese, J. S. (2011). Transnational crime and the 21st century: Criminal enterprise,
corruption, and opportunity . New York: Oxford University Press.
Council on Foreign Relations. (2013). The global regime for transnational crime . Re-
trieved from http://www.cfr.org/transnational-crime/global-regime-trans
Garzón, J. C., Olinger, M., Rico, D. M., & Santamaria, G. (2013). The criminal dias-
pora: The spread of transnational organized crime and how to contain its expansion .
Retrieved from https://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/the-criminal-
Kemp, W. (2009, June 25). Organized crime: A growing threat to security . Stock-
holm International Peace Research Institute. Retrieved from https://www
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2010). The globalization of crime:
A transnational organized crime threat assessment . Retrieved from http://
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