xi Preface to Fourth Edition Previous editions of Information Literacy and Information Skills Instruction, pub- lished in 1999, 2004, and 2011 respectively, called attention to the impor- tance of information literacy competence and relevant research lit­ er ­ a­ture as a guide to school librarians in teaching within the context of emerging and evolv- ing technological changes. As we enter the third de­cade of the 21st ­ century, the challenges librarians face persist and are more critical than ever due to the nearly universal access by our students to social media and the immedi- acy of smartphone and Internet access anytime, anywhere. While this access provides an exceedingly rich environment for student learning, it is neither always value-­free nor benevolent. On the contrary, it can expose students to unethical be­hav­ior, racism, bigotry, inequities, and iniquity. Our belief is that information literacy, which involves critical thinking and the search for truth online, and emphasizes ethics, fairness, inclusivity, and equality for all, is the best and most effective protection for students and adults online today.­ As in ­earlier editions of this book, we argue for the need to revisit the roots of library instruction, even as we add research into con­temporary prob­lems and issues to topics previously considered but still relevant. In addition, we continue to emphasize evidence-­based practice (Todd 2009) in education and school librarianship and to draw attention to new professional publications, including the National School Library Standards for Learners, School Librarians, and School Libraries introduced in 2018 by the American Association of School Librarians. The new and updated text continues to benefit from insights and perspec- tives of the book’s coauthors, all of whom have extensive practical and profes- sional knowledge that comes from combining personal experience as school librarians with academic credentialing as active researchers. Our editorial pro­ cess began with a careful and in­de­pen­dent review of the content of the third
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