How to Use This Work
This text is divided into three distinct sections. Part 1 consists of several chapters
that explore the history, meaning, and importance of street style. The chapters
within this section provide the reader with background that will enrich his or her
understanding of the style groups that are discussed in detail and depicted in full-
page photographs in Parts 2 and 3 of this volume. In Part 1, the concepts of street
style and subcultural style are carefully defined, and their importance as driving
forces in the inspiration of fashion design and product development is introduced.
Part 1 also develops the historical context for the evolution of street styles, includ-
ing both the social contexts for their emergence as well as the landscape of the
fashion industry that facilitated the movement of style from the street to the fashion
industry and ultimately to large numbers of consumers. Finally, Part 1 explores the
importance of modes of communication with regard to developing and spreading
street styles. The roles of print media, moving images, celebrities, new media, and
retailers (both brick-and-mortar and virtual) are all considered as important com-
ponents in the development and diffusion of street style.
Part 2 explores specific style groups that have existed or are currently visible in
the United States. Each entry within this section develops the time, place, and social
factors surrounding the emergence of the style and carefully describes aspects of
the street style from its origin through widespread adoption, considering both varia-
tions and stereotypes. These entries explore the symbolic interpretations of the sarto-
rial choices both from within the group that adopted the look and by outsiders.
Additionally, each entry discusses representations of the look in literature, film, and
television. Finally, the entries provide an exploration of the commodification of each
street style and the trickle-up effect to designers and other commercial entities.
Part 3 is dedicated to visual representations of the street styles discussed in
Part 2. Each entry is complemented by a full-page photograph that captures and
characterizes key elements of the style. A brief analytical description accompanies
each picture. Part 3 both reinforces the information in Part 2 and provides a useful
visual reference source.
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