Contents xii
Marshall, Lenore 414
Mas­sa­chu­setts Peace Society 415
Maurin, Peter 417
May, Samuel Joseph 419
Mayer, Milton 421
McCarthy, Eugene 422
McGovern, George 424
McReynolds, David 425
Mead, Edwin 426
Mead, Lucia Ames 428
Mennonites 430
Merton, Thomas 433
Mexican-­American War: Antiwar Movement 434
Meyer, Cord, Jr. 439
Miller, Orie Otis 441
Morgan, Laura Puffer 442
Mott, John R. 443
Mott, Lucretia Coffin 445 ­
Music, Antiwar 447
Muste, Abraham Johannes 452
Mygatt, Tracy Dickinson 455
National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy 459
National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War 464
National Coordinating Committee to End the War
in Vietnam 467
National Council for Prevention of War 469
National Peace Action Co­ali­tion 472
National Peace Conference 474
National Ser­vice Board for Religious Objectors 475
Nearing, Scott 477
Negotiation Now! 479
Neutrality Acts of the 1930s 481
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