Contents xiv ­
People’s Council of Amer­ i ­ ca for Democracy and Peace 544
Persian Gulf War (1991): Antiwar Movement 547
Physicians for Social Responsibility 553
Pickett, Clarence 554
Pugwash Conferences 555
Quakers 559
Randolph, Asa Philip 565
Rankin, Jeannette Pickering 566
Rauschenbusch, Walter 567
The Re­sis­tance 568
Roo­se­velt, Eleanor 571
Root, Elihu 572
Rustin, Bayard 573
Rutherford, Joseph 577
Sayre, John Nevin 579
Schell, Jonathan Edward 581
Schwimmer, Rosika 583
Scott, James Brown 584
Scott, Lawrence 585
Seeger, Pete 586
Sewall, May Wright 588
Sharp, Gene 589
Sheehan, Cindy Lee 590
Shotwell, James T. 592
Sibley, Mulford Q. 593
Smiley, Albert K. 594
Social Gospel 595
Socialist Party 598
Spanish-­American and Philippine-­American Wars: Antiwar Movement 601
Spock, Benjamin 606
Spring Mobilization to End the War in Vietnam 608
Storey, Moorfield 610
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