Contents vii
Car­ne­gie, Andrew 106
Car­ne­gie Endowment for International Peace 108
Catholic Association for International Peace 110
Catholic Peace Fellowship 111
Catholic Worker Movement 114
Catonsville Nine 116
Catt, Carrie Chapman 117
Central Amer­i­ca: Antiwar Dissent 120
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors 124
Central Organ­ization for a Durable Peace 126
“Challenge of Peace”: National Conference of Catholic Bishops
Pastoral Letter on War and Peace 127
Channing, William Ellery 128
Chapman, Maria Weston 129
Chicago Seven 130
Chomsky, Noam 131
Christian Peacemaker Teams 134
Church of the Brethren 136
Church Peace Mission 138
Church Peace Union 140
Civil Disobedience 142
Civil Rights and the Peace Movement 145
Civil War: Antiwar Dissent 150
Civilian Public Ser­vice 156
Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam 159
Co­ali­tion for a New Foreign and Military Policy 161
Code Pink: ­ Women for Peace 163
Coffin, William Sloane, Jr. 164
Colonial Amer­ i ­ ca: Antiwar Dissent 166
Commission on a Just and Durable Peace 170
Commission to Study the Organ­ization of Peace 172
Committee for Concerted Peace Efforts 173
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