Completing this project could not have been accomplished without a great
deal of support. First and foremost, would like to thank my family: my
husband and my two boys. Their support for this project allowed me to
take the time and energy needed to complete this book and make it some-
thing can be proud of. would also like to thank my psychology col-
leagues at Husson University in Bangor, Maine, who endured my lack of
availability particularly for weekly lunch get-togethers, and for having my
office door closed more than usual. This is the second book project that
have worked on with Maxine Taylor at ABC-CLIO. As always she was
supportive of my work, was tolerant of minor delays, and provided invalu-
able feedback on the structure and organization of the content. This book
is in the form it is because of her excellent guidance. Finally, would like
to thank my parents for their support. Although my mom did not live to
see the publication of this book, both she and my father instilled in me an
appreciation for the written word and quite frankly did not stand in my
way as pursued my desires in both my personal life and my career.
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