Acknowledgments Victory has a thousand parents. Using that criteria, this book is unquestionably victorious. In the course of writing this book, I consulted with some of the most gifted writers and editors I know. The following people have proven themselves to be valuable and steadfast colleagues, and have more than earned my friendship. I hope their mention here is a small step toward my earning theirs. These exceptional individuals are Tom Durwood, Sarah Marusek, Jose Marichal, Vanessa Torrado, Tatishe Nteta, Alana Jeydel, Andrew McLean, Lonce Bailey, John Hinshaw, Carol Ruxton, Dean Robinson, David Bateman, Jamila Michener, Paul Buhle, Eli Meyerhoff, Jeffrey Broxmeyer, Mark Brown, Monicka Tutschka, and Jessica Lawless. Thank you to the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Cengage Learning, Valley Forge Military College, the Western Politi- cal Science Association, the Caucus for a New Political Science, the American Political Science Association, and the State of Wisconsin for facilitating my introduction to such generous and gifted people. I will also thank the staff of the three libraries where I conducted my research: the W.E.B. Du Bois Library at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, the May Baker Memorial Library at Valley Forge Military Academy and College, and the Sacramento State University Library. Thank you also to the Pennsylvania state chapter of the American Asso- ciation of University Professors, who were always supportive and under- standing, and to the Philadelphia chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (and its alumni) for demonstrating how powerful an issue this can be, and how much the voice of borrowers needs to be heard. To my colleagues and friends who helped put me in touch with interview- ees and research angles, thank you for your kindness and your help. It has not been forgotten. Thank you to my students, who have always inspired me and renewed my faith in the power of higher education. Thank you especially to my student research assistants, who were extremely helpful, especially in the initial
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