vii Contents  |
Chapter 6: Social Classes and Ethnicity 131
Overview 131
Chichimecas 133
Criollos, Peninsulares, and Mestizos 134
Huichols 135
La Raza Cósmica (The Cosmic Race) 137
Maya 138
Mestizaje 140
Nahua 141
Socioeconomic Status 143
Chapter 7: Gender, Marriage, and Sexuality 147
Overview 147
Dance of the 41 149
de la Cruz, Sor Juana Inés 150
Feminism 152
Guillén, Palma 153
Homosexuality, Lesbianism, and Marriage Equality 154
Machismo, Marianismo, and Malinchismo 156
Marriage and Family 158
Soldaderas 160
Chapter 8: Education 161
Overview 161
Church and Education 164
Servicio Social (Social Service) 166
Universidad Iberoamericana 167
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) 168
Vasconcelos, José 170
Chapter 9: Language 173
Overview 173
Dichos (Sayings) 175
English 177
Indigenous Languages: Nahuatl and Maya 177
Spanish 179
Chapter 10: Etiquette 181
Overview 181
Compadrazgo 183
Dining 184
Dress 184
Siesta 185
Chapter 11: Literature and Drama 187
Overview 187
Alamán, Lucas 189
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