v CONTENTS Preface vii Introduction ix The Codices xix Chronology of Events xxix THE MEXICA MIGRATION Start of the Migration 3 The Abandonment of Malinalxochitl 13 The Settlement at Chapultepec 21 The Mexica as Mercenaries for Culhuacan 29 The Foundation of Tenochtitlan 35 HISTORY OF THE EMPIRE Aztec Royal Dynasty 45 Expansion of the Empire 55 Tepanec War and the Triple Alliance 63 War with Tlatelolco 71 The Reign of Moteuczoma II 79 CALENDARS The Sacred Calendar, or Tonalpohualli 89 Calendar Books, or Tonalamatl 99 The Count of Years, or Xiuhpohualli 107 The Aztec Monthly Festivals 115 The New Fire Ceremony, or Xiuhmolpilli 123 Divination 131 RELIGIOUS LIFE Tenochtitlan’s Sacred Precinct 139 Templo Mayor 147 The Aztec Pantheon 157 Human Sacrifice 165 Priestly Duties 173 ECONOMY War 181 Tribute 189 Agriculture 197 Occupations 205 Merchants and Markets 213 LIFE CYCLE Childbirth 221 Childhood and Education 229 Marriage 237 Old Age 245 Death 251 DAILY LIFE Diet 259 Health and Hygiene 267
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