PREFACE This book is a history of the tavern, and it examines this timeless insti- tution as both a social and physical space. The American tavern is the primary focus of this effort. However, the role of the tavern as a mainstay in most societies since the beginning of civilization is also considered, demonstrating how the tavern has been one of the most important spaces throughout history, where people have gathered to interact with friends, neighbors, and others whom they may not have already known well. For the most part, the purpose of the tavern has stayed very consistent. People typically gather in taverns to socialize while consuming alcoholic bever- ages, and this work will discuss what has drawn people to this institution. In this effort, it will also consider the other services that taverns have pro- vided and how these have changed, depending on time and circumstance. Finally, this work will examine the resistance that the tavern has received from those who have seen it as a disruptive and problematic presence in their communities. The Tavern is designed for a wide variety of audiences. Taverns have always fascinated the public imagination. They have been viewed as cen- ters of mirth, community, and chaos, and readers will enjoy the many aspects of the institution that are discussed in this book along with anec- dotes and narratives about tavern life. It is also filled with detailed descrip- tions of the physical aspects of taverns. This work is a good resource for students of history who seek to better understand the role the tavern has played in the American experience.
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