Preface Latinos in the American Po­liti­cal System: An Encyclopedia of Latinos as Voters, Candidates, and Office Holders is a two-­volume collection of primary documents, essays, and short entries that takes an extensive view of Latinas/os and their involve- ment and impact on the U.S. po­liti­cal system. Accurate and readily available information about Latinas/os in U.S. politics has been wanting. The need to fill the void of information on the subject was the impetus to create this encyclopedia. Composed of a variety of materials, Latinos in the American Po­liti­cal System pro- vides readers with information that is accessible and that imparts insights into many dimensions of the Latina/o po­ liti ­ cal experience in the United States. This work brings together current research on areas of major concern and debate in the fields of po­ liti ­ cal science, sociology, anthropology, ethnic studies, American studies, and other social sciences in relation to the most prominent groups of ­people of Latin American descent in the United States. Although the encyclopedia attempts to cover as broad a range of Latina/o contributions to and experiences with politics as is pos­ si ­ ble, it does not purport to cover ­ every conceivable issue in the field. The idea is to focus on the experiences of the largest ethnic group in the country, includ- ing major milestones, accomplishments, and policy, for which data are available. Mexican American communities comprise the largest proportion of the Latino population and have had the largest presence in the United States. Hence, a signifi- cant portion of the encyclopedia concentrates on this subgroup. However, sub- stantial effort was made to include the experiences and contributions of relatively smaller, but growing, groups like Dominicans and Central Americans. Latinos in the American Po­liti­cal System is a resource to disseminate informa- tion on an impor­tant and much-­neglected topic. The experts, scholars, prac­ti­tion­ ers, and ­others who contributed to this encyclopedia amassed materials that add to the lit­er­a­ture in a variety of social science disciplines. Although the editor is conscious of the need for ongoing research in ­these areas, this encyclopedia is designed to serve as a reference and resource on Latina and Latino experiences with the U.S. po­liti­cal system. It is intended to expose a broader audience of readers, including high school students and college and university undergraduates, to a vari- ety of critical analyses and information in a relatively concise manner, and also to serve as a quick reference for ­those readers seeking to identify areas for further research.
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