The authors would first like to thank every­one at Strata Policy and the Insti-
tute of Po­liti­cal Economy at Utah State University who helped contrib-
ute to this book, especially to the dozens of student research associates
who spent countless hours researching and collaborating.
We further want to thank our significant ­others who put up with the
long hours, endless discussions of electrical generation and energy policy.
Without their support and patience this book would not have been pos­si­
ble. So to Bradley, Troy, and Cody we say thank you.
As we worked to put this book together, we ­were able to explore new
and in­ter­est­ing ideas that have the potential to have huge implications for
the environment, the electric grid, and as a result ­ human flourishing. We
hope that the ­ people who helped contribute to this book and all ­ those who
read it ­will work to achieve more prosperous and ­free socie­ties by affect-
ing a change in the climate of ideas.
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