v Contents Preface, xv Acknowledgments, xvii Introduction: The World of the Crusades, xix Chronology, xxxiii VOLUME 1 Arts, 1 Introduction, 1 Alhambra Palace, 2 Chanson de Geste, 5 Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 7 Constantinople, Artistic Treasures of, 10 Crown of Thorns, 13 Crusader Castles, 14 Crusader Illuminated Manuscripts, 17 Gothic Architecture, 20 Hagia Sophia, 22 Holy Lance, 25 Islamic Art, 27 Islamic Culture, 30 Islamic Poetry, 33 Jewish Chroniclers and Historians, 35 Latin Christian Chroniclers and Historians, 37 Montjoie, 41 Music and the Crusades, 43 Muslim Chroniclers and Historians, 45 Nur ad-Din, Promotion of the Arts, 48
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