1. EVERY NEGATIVE REACTION TO A FOOD IS AN ALLERGY Not all adverse reactions that occur when eating a food are “true” allergic reactions. Only eight specific foods are associated with life-threatening reac- tions that involve the immune system. In fact, the majority of adverse food symptoms appear to be caused by food intolerances or sensitivities. Food intolerances and food sensitivities are much more subtle and may disguise themselves as chronic joint or gastrointestinal symptoms with no apparent trigger. Questions 1, 2, and 3 explore the differences among them in depth. 2. EXPERIENCING MILD REACTIONS TO A FOOD MEANS IT CAN STILL BE EATEN WITHOUT FEAR OF LIFE-THREATENING REACTIONS Mild reactions to a food are usually a warning sign to avoid that food. Occasionally, a food can still be eaten if the individual is willing to live with minor symptoms. But, in general, food allergy reactions can progress from mild to life threatening in a matter of moments and at any time. In general, it is recommended that the food be avoided. Questions 18, 19, 20, and 21 discuss treatment for all adverse food reactions and emergency treatment methods. Common Misconceptions about Food Allergies and Sensitivities
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