C vii Tully No. II on the Whiskey Rebellion (August 26, 1794) 225 Letter Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams (October 24, 1800) 229 Letter to James A. Bayard Favoring Jefferson over Burr (January 16, 1801) 235 Section IX THE NATION’S FIRST SEX SCANDAL The Reynolds Pamphlet (July 1797) 241 Section X DEATH Letter to Aaron Burr Refusing to Disavow (June 20, 1804) 255 Statement on the Impending Duel with Aaron Burr (June 28–July 10, 1804) 258 Letters to Elizabeth Hamilton Delivered after the Duel (July 4 and 10, 1804) 261 Timeline of Events 263 Further Reading 267 Index 269
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