Preface Over the course of nearly three decades, through my work as director of Gen- der Equity and Inclusion at Chicago’s Center on Halsted and as a speaker, con- sultant, and trainer for organizations large and small across the United States, I have become convinced that authenticity is the foundation of integrity in the lives of human beings. Without the effort to be personally authentic, it is virtu- ally impossible to operate in this world within a framework of honesty and truth. This is why it matters for gender-diverse individuals in today’s society to strive to be as authentic as possible in who they are and in all that they do. For the gender-diverse community—and for everyone else as well— authenticity can be a central tenet and a key to living a life of honor and per- sonal fulfillment. For these same reasons, the business community can benefit significantly by embracing gender authenticity as a fundamental tool for creat- ing improved work environments and enhanced organizational cultures that employ healthier, happier, and more productive workers. Success is the prac- tically inevitable result of such wise and strategic business decisions. This book is intended to help provide insight into the concept of gender authenticity as a legitimate business resource, one that can make a powerful difference in the lives of people who work for a living. However, and in order to truly understand what gender authenticity is about, we must first provide a framework of understanding around the social phenomenon that is gender diversity. Once that understanding has been established, we can more effect- ively recognize and, hopefully, learn to experience firsthand the benefits and advantages of a gender-authentic work environment that leads to both organ- izational and individual success. The Dawn of a New Social Realization It’s old news now, but a global media sensation erupted back in 2015 when Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner formally announced that he was not the
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