Acknowledgments First and foremost, Gail, Heather, and Lynne would like to express our appreciation to Brian C. Gray, whose idea to give a presentation at ALA/ ACRL, “Strengthening Relationships and Experiences with Students through Personal Librarian Programs,” set the stage for publishing a book on this topic. Heather Buchansky would like to thank all the personal librarians who took part in University of Toronto Libraries Personal Librarian Program since its inception in 2012. You made students feel welcomed and sup- ported with your guidance and expertise. Thanks to the library senior staff, especially Julie Hannaford and Larry Alford, for championing the program in and outside of the library, as well as the Faculty of Arts and Science Registrar’s Office, for their ongoing assistance, advice, and pro- motions among students. And a sincere and special acknowledgment to Rita Vine for her vision of what the program could be from the pilot phase that she set up to her guidance while scaling up the program. Lynne Bisko would like to thank everyone at Elon University for their support and encouragement of Carol Grotnes Belk Library’s Personal Librarian Program. Our program would not have been possible without the ongoing collaboration and partnership of Academic Support Services and the Elon 101 staff and instructors, past and present. She would like to express extra special thanks to the Office of Admissions and the student tour guides, who enthusiastically share stories about how their personal librarians have helped them. Thank you to all of the Elon University stu- dents, who have a willingness to learn, and to the faculty and staff who recommend students to ask their personal librarian for help. Thanks to Paula Rosinski, Director of Writing Across the University, for the many conversations and inspirations on how to engage students, and to my fear- less SOC teammates, Betty Garrison, Teresa LePors, Patrick Rudd, and
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