I am forever grateful for the love and support of my wife, Ann, and our three ­ children: Sam, Joey, and Jake. Without their patience and understanding, this life would not be pos­si­ble. I also appreciate the staff, faculty, and administration at Minnesota West Community and Technical College who have supported me in the past, as well as the faculty and leadership in the Department of Military History at Command and General Staff College who have taught me much about being a historian. Fi­nally, I am thankful for my friend, Kayla Westra, without whom this book would not be pos­si­ble. —David. W. Mills Words cannot express my gratitude for my ­ family—­Dayton, Madeline, and Claire—­for their unwavering support and encouragement. I love you all beyond mea­sure. I am also thankful for my work at Minnesota West Community and Technical College and the commitment of the leadership team to providing access and opportunity to the students in our region. And thank you, Dave Mills, for asking me to be a partner on this proj­ect and for sharing your passion for history and learning. —Kayla L. Westra
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