First and foremost, we wish to thank the authors of the chapters and Christopher A. Kojm who penned the foreword. You all worked tirelessly to ensure the concept of terrorist criminal enterprises was brought to frui- tion. It truly has been wonderful working with each of you. We appreciate your dedication to research, your patience with our multiple directions (sorry), and your overall incredible scholarly expertise, integrity, and spirit of cooperation. Without you, this would not be the terrific book it is. Our wonderful graduate students at the Elliott School of International Affairs, the George Washington University, and at Advanced Academic Programs, Johns Hopkins University, are also most deserving of thanks. You are ever a source of amazing and innovative thinking. Your sugges- tions and comments on the concept of terrorist criminal enterprises were not only thought provoking but also a great source of inspiration. We also want to thank Steve Catalano who saw the potential for this book and helped to make it a reality with Praeger Publishers. Also at Prae- ger, we wish to thank Pat Carlin and Jennifer Hartmann who enabled its professional and timely publication. Rollie would like to thank Jean-Cédric Janssens de Bisthoven, Minister Counselor at the Belgian Embassy, the Belgian Financial Intelligence Pro- cessing Unit (CTIF-CFI), and the Italian Department of Treasury for their support. Finally, it goes without saying that we thank our families for their love and support. Rollie thanks her husband, Steven, and her daughter, Isis Valentina. You have been great listeners and support. You have also pro- vided much-needed amusement that helped me continue each day anew Acknowledgments
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