1857 Dred Scott v. Sandford decision issued 1863 Emancipation Proclamation goes into force 1865 Thirteenth Amendment is ratifi ed 1866 Congress passes the Civil Rights Act 1868 Fourteenth Amendment is ratifi ed 1870 Fifteenth Amendment is ratifi ed 1873 Slaughterhouse cases undermine Civil Rights Act of 1866 1875 Congress passes Civil Rights Act of 1875 1877 Comprise of 1877 end of Reconstruction 1883 Supreme Court further narrows reach of acts of Reconstruction 1895 Booker T. Washington delivers Atlanta compromise speech 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson sanctions segregation 1896 National Association of Colored Women is organized 1898 Wilmington, North Carolina, race riot takes place 1905 W.E.B. Du Bois publishes Souls of Black Folk 1909 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is established 1911 National Urban League is founded 1919 Race riots erupt in Chicago and East St. Louis 1920s Harlem Renaissance takes place 1920 Marcus Garvey establishes the United Negro Improve- ment Association 1921 Tulsa, Oklahoma, race riot takes place CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS
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