8 Supporting Students on the Autism Spectrum other surfaces. Repetitive be­hav­ior symptoms can pre­sent difficulties for students with ASD, as they tend to be fixed and inflexible and individuals do not adapt to change easily. Hyper-­ and hyporeactivity to sensory input is another diagnostic symptom of autism spectrum disorder and ­ will be dis- cussed in more detail in Chapter 3. What Does This Mean for Libraries? Just as with social skills, it is essential that library staff are also trained and knowledgeable about the par­tic­u­lar motor skill difficulties and repeti- tive movement be­hav­iors that students with ASD may exhibit. For exam- ple, having understanding and patience to assist a student with ASD through a research help pro­cess where they may need to write down notes or ideas ­ will help them be successful in the long term. It may take a student with ASD longer to rec­ord notes or the pro­cess of research that you are explain- ing. Additionally, giving directions in the library from a ser­vice desk may take longer and writing them down for the student would prob­ably be best. Further, having understanding and patience when observing repetitive movement be­hav­iors is extremely impor­tant. Giving students the appropri- ate space to feel comfortable in ­doing ­these be­hav­iors makes them feel wel- come and safe in the library. NEEDS WHEN TRANSITIONING TO COLLEGE Although neurotypical students transitioning to college can experience difficulties in adjusting to their new environment, students with ASD have an even harder time ­ because of the difficulties with social communication skills and executive functioning. One of the first ­things new students do is seek out friendships or connections with other students. This can be a dif- ficult and terrifying task for students with ASD ­because they lack an innate understanding of the social norms of approaching and conversing with QUICK LOOK: ASD MOTOR SKILL CHARACTERISTICS Poor handwriting Lack or difficulty in physical coordination and body movements
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