xx Introduction when immigration increased but still gave preference to certain groups who entered “at the top” over others in that they came in as special refu- gees from communism or possessed certain characteristics enabling them to enter under an elaborate system of preferences the Revolving Door era, 1986–2001, when unauthorized immigration increased exponentially and the Congress struggled with how to control the borders and fi x the illegal immigration problem and the Storm Door era, 2001-present, when concern with international (read Islamic) terrorism and perceived threats from illegal immigrant smugglers and narcotics traders dominated Amer- ican politics, resulting in an attempt to secure “Fortress America.” The fi nal chapter closes with a discussion of current policy proposals, includ- ing those proposed by the new Trump administration. The 200-hundred-year-long analysis of immigration policy affords insights into the advantages and disadvantages, as well as some of the likely anticipated and unanticipated impacts, in this latest attempt at a major revision of immigration policy. References Alienkoff, T. Alexander, and Douglas Klusmeyer, eds. 2000. From Migrants to Citizens: Membership in a Changing World. Washington, DC: The Brook- ings Institute. Anderson, James. 1979. Public Policymaking. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Barone, Michael. 2013. Shaping Our Nation: How Surges of Migration Transformed America and Its Politics. New York: Crown Forum. Crane, Keith et al. 1990. The Effects of Employer Sanctions on the Flow of Undocu- mented Immigrants to the United States. Santa Monica, CA: The Rand Cor- poration Press, and the Urban Institute Press. Hayes, Patrick. 2012. The Making of Modern Immigration: An Encyclopedia of People and Ideas. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. Ingraham, Patricia. 1987. “Toward a More Systematic Consideration of Policy Design.” Policy Studies Journal 15(4): 610–628. Kritz, Mary. 1983. U.S. Immigration and Refugee Policy: Global and Domestic Issues. Lexington: Lexington Books. Latham, Earl. 1965. The Group Basis of Politics. New York: Octagon Books. LeMay, Michael. 1987. From Open Door to Dutch Door: An Analysis of U.S. Immi- gration Policy Since 1820. New York: Praeger Press. LeMay, Michael, ed. 1989. The Gatekeepers: Comparative Immigration Policy. West- port, CT: Praeger Press. LeMay, Michael. 1994. Anatomy of a Public Policy: The Reform of Contemporary Immigration Law. Westport, CT: Praeger Press.
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