Find the Villain to Uncover the Story and Make Your Company the “Hero” 9 Find out what clients need to resolve their predicaments and the solu- tions they currently lack. Try to discover what your competitors are saying about customer pain. GRAPHICS PORTRAY HEROES AND VILLAINS TOO Power corrupts, and PowerPoint corrupts absolutely. For me, the first rule is “Don’t use PowerPoint.” If you must, however (and I understand that in many large corporations the “deck” is a necessary element of any presentation—so fundamental that its absence could be perceived as a der- eliction of duty), then by all means use graphics sparingly. Remember this: you are the presentation, not the slides. If you are simply reading the text on your PowerPoint, then do us all a favor and e-mail the copy to us and sit down. We can certainly read faster than you can speak. In any case, bear in mind that graphics have heroes and villains just as stories do. For instance, take a look at this bar chart:
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