vii Series Foreword The Black History Lives biography series explores and examines the lives of the most iconic figures in African-American history, with supplemen- tary material that highlights the subject’s significance in our contempo- rary world. Volumes in this series offer far more than a simple retelling of a subject’s life by providing readers with a greater understanding of the outside events and influences that shaped each subject’s world, from famil- ial relationships to political and cultural developments. Each volume includes chronological chapters that detail events of the subject’s life. The final chapter explores the cultural and historical signifi- cance of the individual and places their actions and beliefs within an over- all historical context. Books in the series highlight important information about the individual through sidebars that connect readers to the larger context of social, political, intellectual, and pop culture in American his- tory a timeline listing significant events key primary source excerpts and a comprehensive bibliography for further research.
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