vii Preface, xv 1 Background and History, 3 Introduction, 3 The Constitution-Based Functions and Powers of the American Congress and How They Have Changed over Time, 4 The Changing Role of the Lawmaking Function of the American Congress, 6 Lawmaking during the Early Years of Congress: 1789–1830, 7 The Decentralized Congress: 1830–1860, 9 The Rise of the Two-Party System and Evolution of the Modern Congress, 1860–1920, 12 The Textbook Congress: 1920–1970, 19 The Reform Congress: 1980–2000, 21 The Changing Role of Congressional Budget Powers Post–World War II, 23 The Changing Role of the Representation Function, 27 The Changing Role in Congressional War-Making Powers, 31 Contents
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