and the URL. The results include similar nonprofits, such as the Center for Democracy and Technology, American Civil Liberties Union, and the Center for Constitutional Rights. This doesn’t work for every type of search, but when it does work, it’s useful. Using Advanced Features on the Main Google Screen with Operators One useful thing about the advanced search screen is that it reminds you of the exact syntax to use, should you prefer to use operators on the main search screen. With the file type limit example above, the results screen will show the search box filled in with this: technology trend report 2018 filetype:pdf. And with the “limit by site” example, you’ll see this: opinions of the uncollege movement site:edu. With all of these operators, you’ll need to make sure there is no space after the colon and before your terms. Enter your search on the main Google screen and follow it byone of theselimitingoperators andacolon,then your selection. This can save you time for searches you do frequently. To see a list of these operators, see Google’s help page called “Refine Web Searches,” Personalization Search Results from Your Google Products If you use Google products like Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Google Photos, or Gmail, you can search all of your content from those using the Google search engine. To do this, you need to be logged into your Google account in the browser you are using. Do a search, and then switch to the tab called Personal. You can find this under the More option. For example, I searched for Amtrak, then selected the Personal tab. On the results screen, Google showed me the phone number for Amtrak since I had it stored in my Google Contacts. It also showed me my Amtrak Guest Rewards membership number (found in my Gmail). It then showed me email messages from Amtrak (from Gmail), and my browsing history (previous searches for Amtrak information). Using Google Effectively 13
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