vii Acknowledgments We are indebted to Barbara Ittner, who believed in us from the beginning, and to our editor, Jessica Gribble, who brought us to the finish line. Thank you to our colleagues: Jill Cirasella, Maureen Clements, Jeremy Czerw, Julia Furay, Christine Anne George, Amy Handfield, Sharon Jorrin, Gina Levitan, Kate Lyons, Carrie Marten, Jane Suda, Lisa Tappeiner, Eamon Tewell, Sharell Walker, Susan Wengler, and Haruko Yamauchi, who gener- ously and graciously provided us with feedback or other assistance, and a special thank you to Kate Adler and the amazing Rena Grossman for their most valuable contributions. Without our partners, families, and closest colleagues, our vision would never have come to fruition. Special thanks to staff of An Beal Bocht Café, the Bronx watering hole where much of our collaboration unfolded. We are profoundly grateful for all the support.
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