Acknowl­edgments Quite simply, this book would not exist without Blanche Woolls. Blanche was convinced that LIS faculty needed a concise introduction to effective teach- ing and that I was the right person to author such a book. I am deeply indebted to her for the opportunity (and grateful for her keen editorial eye and efforts to eliminate my use of unnecessary parentheses). Many thanks go to Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe. Meeting as gradu­ate assistants in the Main Library at the University of Illinois was the start of a friendship and professional collaboration that has lasted over 20 years. I am a better teacher, writer, and person for her friendship. I also want to thank the colleagues who commented on portions of the manuscript: Sara Benson, Nancy Bialek, Tiffany Dvorak, Ann J. Fredricksen, Matt Mackellar, Mary Munroe, and Randall Schroeder. Their advice was invaluable, and any ­ mistakes are mine alone. Thanks to David Damby, excel- lent listener and ­brother extraordinaire Cheryl Tarsala, for commiseration and tough love on Wednesday mornings and my Facebook village for words of encouragement when I needed them most. And fi­nally, special thanks to my husband Bob and our ­ children, Erica and Craig, for their patience and encouragement as I labored on this book and for many excellent dinners that I had no part in making and enjoyed completely. You make it a wonderful world ­every day.
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