History and Background 5 Researchers concluded that their findings meant that “exploita- tion of plant resources was very important for hunter-gatherer populations” and that people of the time “were able to process food plants and already possessed a wealth of knowledge that was to become widespread after the dawn of agriculture” (Lippi et al. 2015). Numerous other examples exist of the use of plant materials by early humans. Another study from 2013 found remnants of garlic mustard seeds on the surface of pottery dat- ing to about 4,000 bce. Researchers noted that this spice has no nutritional value and was used, therefore, for the purpose of enhancing the flavor of the food being cooked and consumed (Saul et al. 2013). One of the most impressive studies on plant- based diets among Stone Age humans was published in 2016 by a group of Israeli scientists. Their investigation of an early community at Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov, Israel, dating back as far as 780,000 bce, found more than 9,000 remains of plants from at least 55 taxa, including seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables (Melamed et al. 2016). Studies of Primitive Tribes Another approach for determining Stone Age diets is through the study of the most primitive tribes that exist currently on the planet. The presumption is that tribes that have been largely untouched by modern civilization may be following a lifestyle—including dietary patterns—similar to those of our Stone Age ancestors. A considerable amount of research on primitive tribes was conducted well before the end of the 20th century, much of which was summarized in two classic studies by Canadian dentist Weston A. Price and American biologist Charles B. Davenport. Although these reports are obviously dated, they still provide useful information about the diets of primitive peoples in the 20th century (Davenport 1945 Price 1939/2010). The overriding conclusion from the many societies reported on by Price and Davenport is that people tend to adopt diets that are appropriate for the environment in which they live. Groups
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