Acknowledgments I would first like to acknowledge the expertise and encouragement of my developmental editor, Maxine Taylor. It is hard to believe that this book was completed during a pandemic with much uncertainty, but you con- tinued to provide consistent support and be responsive throughout the project. To my husband, Robert Bucciere, and close friends thank you for your lifelong friendship, steadfast support, and love. It is with much appre- ciation that I acknowledge my mentors over the years, Carole Oglesby (CAO), Pat Leonard, Marilyn Sheerer, Aswani Volety, Larry Brown, and Donna Esteves, who shaped my professional journey in immeasurable ways. Finally, I wish to recognize the many undergraduate and graduate students over the years who have shared my passion for exercise psychol- ogy, physical activity, eating disorders, and intuitive exercise. You inspire me to do more and better in this journey we call life. Moving forward it is my hope that we can remain compassionate and present for those around us so that their voices are heard.
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