ix Acknowledgments As always, there are a ton of people to whom I’m grateful. Thanks, first, to Pat Wald and Tony and Peter Rotundo for their careful review of various versions of the manuscript. Thanks, too, to my agents—Sonali Chanchani and Frank Weimann—for all their advice and patience. At Praeger and beyond, I benefited from a lot of help and wise counsel—from Hilary Claggett, who signed the book up, to all my editors (and now friends) who gave me such valuable feedback and assistance: Michelle Scott, Nicholle Robertson, Erin Ryan, Sheryl Rose, Kevin Downing, Kristen Beach, Ann Bailey, and many others whom I should be naming but have somehow overlooked. My bad, as they say. Harry and Jake contributed in dozens of unspoken ways by allowing me to see the world through their eyes when we lived overseas. As always, the most thanks go to Sarah Wald, who reviewed countless drafts, endured endless discussions, and put up with a lot of the usual. Trite but true: I couldn’t have done it without her.
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