1 Mapping and Technology OVERVIEW Mapping is a form of communication that uses graphics to present spatial infor- mation about our world. Mapping is as important a tool to geographers as writing is to journalists or speaking is to politicians. It is through maps that geographers explain their knowledge to one another and the public. Originally, maps were carved into—or even stained onto—rocks. Maps have been found from thousands of years ago, mapping everything from village layouts to religious sites. Though quite primitive technologically, these Stone Age maps are some of the most robust. They have a lifespan that far outlasts maps made with paper. Stones are not very mobile, however, and eventually mapmakers began designing maps on animal hides. These maps were far easier to move around and were also quite durable. With the mass production of paper, maps became not only easier to use but also much cheaper to produce. The dawn of the industrial era and mass production allowed maps to become even cheaper to produce and dissemi- nate to the masses. Finally, today, we are seeing another massive technological shift, as maps have largely made the jump from paper to digital and interactive technologies (e.g., Google and Bing Maps). Beyond how maps are produced, technology has played a role in what can be mapped. Before the late 1700s, the variety of maps was limited, because no one had the ability to collect reliable information about where people, animals, and other things that move were. It was not until the development of national censuses that information such as population densities could be visually communicated. Until the 1950s, we did not have the ability to see large parts of the earth from above. Not until the invention of reconnaissance planes and rockets could we collect useful amounts of information from above and map real-time relationships occurring across large parts of the earth. MENTAL MAPS Here is a simple question: How did you get to the room where you are reading this today? Did you use a printed map, a list of directions, or did you just know
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