Acknowledgments I want to thank several colleagues and friends for their professionalism, skill, and comradery. This includes Col. David Bosko and Dr. Karen Gut- tieri, as well as Dr. Melissa Thomas, JD, and Zhanna Malekos-Smith, JD, among others of the Air Force Cyber College. I also want to thank Mr. John Coyle, also of Air University, for helping ensure that this effort can swiftly meet its audience. Finally, I’d like to thank my parents for their profound encouragement throughout my career, promoting my boyhood interest in history and technology as lenses through which to explore the world around me, to understand how past and present and future link together, and to think about how people and ideas and events interact. I have taken care to consider the issues in this book as dispassionately— and earnestly—as possible, because this is the kind of issue in which anger cannot win.
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