xviii Introduction their Jewish educational encounters later in life, it’s with positive feelings. I believe all of those things. But what drives me at my core is the goal for them to crave what’s next. I never want my learners to be satisfied, to walk away from our time together with the mindset that they’ve somehow checked Jewish education off of their to-do lists and can now count them- selves knowledgeable and move on. Instead, my goal is to leave every learner I encounter seeking more. I see my role as an educator as being that of sparking interest, connection, and next steps. I do not seek to pro- vide exhaustive knowledge on any topic, and this book is no different. It is a snapshot in time, at a critical and unprecedented moment in American history. I have sought to provide multiple perspectives, insights from the breadth and depth of Jewish Generation Zers and those who care about them. There will inevitably be voices that are underserved, and while these omissions are not purposeful, my hope is that they pave the way for other voices to fill the gaps, contributing their own stories to the unfolding conversation about antisemitism. NOTES 1. Winer, S. (2020, June 23). COVID-19 fueling worldwide wave of anti-Semitism, researchers find. The Times of Israel. Retrieved from https://www.timesofisrael.com/covid-19-fueling-worldwide-wave-of-anti -semitism-researchers-find 2. Brackman, H. (2020). Deadly new virus intersects with history’s oldest hate: Report and analysis. The Simon Wiesenthal Center. Retrieved from https://www.wiesenthal.com/assets/pdf/deadly-new-virus-intersects.pdf 3. Rowling, J. K. (2015, August 10). Boggart. Wizarding World. Retrieved from https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/boggart 4. Fried, J. (2015). The Middle Ages. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univer- sity Press, pp. 287–289. 5. Brustein, W. I., & King, R. D. (2004). Anti-semitism in Europe before the Holocaust. International Political Science Review, 25(1), 35–53. 6. Emanuel, R. (2019, March 7). I’ve faced the charge of dual loyalty. The Atlantic. 7. Burton, T. I. (2018, November 2). The centuries-old history of Jewish “puppet master” conspiracy theories. Vox. Retrieved from https://www .vox.com/2018/11/2/15946556/antisemitism-enlightenment-george-soros -conspiracy-theory-globalist
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