12 SUSTAINABLE ONLINE LIBRARY SERVICES AND RESOURCES ASSESSMENT In order to ensure that trainings were serving the needs of library staff members, the training committee conducted assessment surveys to collect feedback and make any adjustments to the trainings, if necessary. Two rounds of assessment were done. The first occurred in late spring of 2020, after the initial round of trainings following the transition to working remotely. The second survey was conducted at the end of the summer ses- sion in 2020 to determine whether the trainings were still meeting the needs of library staff members. Copies of the survey questions are included as appendices. Although developed in Google Forms, much of the survey was inspired by the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Project Outcome survey series. The training survey asked respondents questions to determine whether or not they learned new things from the training, whether they felt more confident in using resources, and whether it raised their awareness of library resources and services. Additional questions were added to find out whether or not participants encountered any technical issues and whether the train- ings were too long, too short, or just right. Lastly, open-ended questions asked participants what they liked most and what additional trainings they would like to see. The initial survey yielded 27 responses, a roughly 60 percent response rate from library staff. Overwhelmingly, results were positive: 92 percent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they learned new material, 88 percent indicated that they felt more confident using resources, and 85 percent reported more awareness of library resources. In addition, 92 percent of respondents indicated that they had no technical issues, and 100 percent indicated that the length of the training was just right. In response to the question about what participants liked the most, the most common response was learning about different library resources and data- bases. Additional answers included “use of different presenters and learning from their expertise” and “real world examples from student question[s].” The second survey yielded similar results, albeit with a lower response rate from staff. Roughly 40 percent of staff responded to the second survey. However, 100 percent of respondents indicated they learned something new and became more aware of library services, and nearly 90 percent indicated that they felt more confident using resources. In response to the open-ended questions, many participants once again reported that they enjoyed hearing from different presenters. However, other responses suggested that the train- ings did not need to happen every week. From those responses, and as the library shifted toward reopening the library, adjustments were made for the fall semester of 2020, which carried over into the spring semester of 2021. Because of the positive response, the training committee continued offering virtual training sessions but reduced
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