Acknowledgments My deepest thanks go to my loved ones who have supported me through every stage of my journey in medicine and service to humanity. To my par- ents, for their selfless love and sacrifices. To my remarkable wife, for her endless support and companionship. To my precious children, for their unending inspiration and wonder. I am overwhelmed by the gift of love that you have each ceaselessly shared with me, and I would never have been able to journey this far without each of you. Thank you as well to all of the friends, colleagues, and mentors that have illuminated my path throughout my career. Particularly, great thanks are owed to the late Dr. Loghmanee, who sparked my passion in medicine and vivified so many others through his dedication to service and human- ity. In addition, thank you to the Department of Dermatology at Thomas Jefferson University for introducing me to the world of dermatology and to the Department of Dermatology at Temple University for training me to be a dermatologist empowered to help others. Also, thank you greatly to ABC-CLIO and Maxine Taylor for this opportunity to share my knowl- edge and experiences regarding acne with others who may be interested in the topic.
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