TIMELINE: 1890–2005 This timeline includes key events in the history of the GLBT United States. Additional items, such as wars, elections, landmarks in civil rights and women’s rights, etc. are listed to provide context and reference points. Items are chronological by year, then alphabetical under each year. 1890 Battle at Wounded Knee between U.S. cavalry and Native Americans Hull House, founded by Jane Addams to provide programs for workers, is underway in Chicago National American Woman Suffrage Association formed 1892 Alice Mitchell murders Freda Ward in Memphis, TN Earliest known use of the word “heterosexual” in the United States, in the Chicago Medical Recorder Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Psychopathia Sexualis (1886) translated and published in the United States Grover Cleveland elected president 1893 Magnus Hirschfeld, German homosexual rights pioneer, visits the United States Frederick Jackson Turner delivers the “Frontier Thesis” World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago 1895 Trials of Oscar Wilde in England he is found guilty of “gross indecency” and serves two years in prison at hard labor 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson: Supreme Court declares segregation legal William McKinley elected president 1897 Magnus Hirschfeld cofounds Scientific Humanitarian Committee in Berlin 1900 William McKinley reelected president 1901 Havelock Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex (1897–1928) begins publication in Philadelphia
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