Acknowledgments It has been our privilege to work alongside and learn from the contributors to this volume and the inspiring youth activists they discuss. We thank them for their important contributions. We also gratefully acknowledge Edward Fierros and Graciela Slesaransky-Poe for supporting this project. Jessica Grib- ble has been a steadfast guide and constant champion, and we greatly appre- ciate all she has done to shepherd this book to publication. Kelly Monahan deserves our particular gratitude for her tireless work and uncompromising attention to detail. Finally, we offer heartfelt thanks to our families, Austin and Samer, Curtis, Coco, Kiki, Nadim, and the little person we can’t wait to meet for putting up with us as we completed this project. Your unwavering love, patience, and support as we worked late nights and weekends were im- mensely sustaining throughout this process.
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