As this project winds to a close, I am indebted to many different groups
and individuals. I’d like to thank first ABC-CLIO for their help on my
previous books, which this effort is based on. Elana Palace, who was my
editorial coordinator, and James Ciment, acquisitions editor for popular
culture, were strong supporters of this project at Praeger and helped it all
the way along.
Troy University, my academic home for the last nine years, kept me
fully engaged in teaching, for which I am grateful. My chairs and deans
have been supportive of my efforts. Dan Puckett, my colleague, has pro-
vided me a model of scholarship.
Along the way, many librarians, fellow academics, and others have
answered questions and offered their support. They are too many to men-
tion here. I greatly appreciate their help.
I’d like to thank the places that I have presented my scholarship in
the past, including the Faulkner University Law Review Symposium.
I enjoyed discussing the topic with them and appreciate their allowing me
to reprint some of the article I contributed to their 2016 Law Review.
My wider family has always celebrated my scholarship, and I thank
them for it.
I would be remiss if I did not thank my two children, Caroline and
Sam, who often wondered why my book took so long (and wrote their
own to show me the value of brevity). They did, though, tolerate having
an absent father often.
My wife, Jessie Bishop Powell, is an accomplished writer in her own
right, but her editing skills are shown here in the good passages (and
I ignored her advice in the bad ones).
My mom has been in my corner since she typed my first book (in first
grade), and my dad has always asked (and cheered) what I was working
on. To both of them, I dedicate this work.
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