x Contents Document: Zitkála-Šá, “The School Days of an Indian Girl,” 1884 198 Document: Jane Addams, Twenty Years at Hull-House, 1910 199 6. RECREATIONAL LIFE 205 Introduction 205 The Class Contours of Recreation 206 Physical Recreation 210 Public Amusements 215 Traveling Shows 220 Conclusion: The Golden Age of Bicycling 225 Document: I. G. Blanchard, “Eight Hours,” 1878 228 Document: Cyrus Edson, “Do We Live Too Fast?” 1892 229 7. RELIGIOUS LIFE 233 Introduction 233 Religion in the Industrial Era 234 Protestantism 235 Roman Catholicism 238 Protestant–Catholic Conflict 239 Judaism 240 New Denominations and Sects 242 Religious Holidays 244 Civic Life in the Industrial Era 250 The Black Church in the South 257 Document: Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, 1875 260 Document: Mark Twain, “Christian Science and the Book of Mrs. Eddy,” 1899 260
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